Why I Read Grand Jeu

A lot of people who know me would never say I was the kind of person to be into Tarot or card reading or divination. This was intentional, as someone who did not feel comfortable sharing or even delving into my own practice with others.

When I was young, I was put into Lutheran private school because I was younger than a lot of my classmates. My family wasn’t Christian at all, but my mom liked the “security” of a private school. As I grew older and became more aware that Christianity didn’t reflect my views in any way - but neither did Bhuddism, which my mom more reguarly claimed at the time.

This was in the early 2000s and hanging out at bookstores was way more common for young people then. We could mess around, read stuff, check out the books you weren’t supposed to - and the ice cream place was close by.

I wasn’t the kind of kid that got in trouble for bringing up alternative things, but even when I looked over books on Witchcraft and Tarot I never felt comfortable bringing them home. In the time of “Light As a Feather, Stiff as a Board,” these books felt overwhelming, or not something a 12 year old should get in to.

As an older teen and young adult I had mostly squashed my spiritual needs with depression, and frankly had moved away from most of those ideas at all. After doing a handful of private readings in my early 20s, Tarot readings from my hand-me-down deck, and making several friends uncomfortable - my cards became private matters and never something I did for others. I didn’t feel comfortable sharing with others at that point.

In early 2022, I was lucky enough to have card readings bless me in surprisng ways. It was this that propted my return to Tarot - and my fateful discovery of Grand Jeu. After so long of sitting in privacy, Grand Jeu has given me a space to commuinicate with others that I have not had in years. My goals are simple - offer the message the cards show me, and allow the Querant to understand that message as they need to.

thank you for reading,

Next week we will start delving into the cards themselves!



The Deck, to Start.


When Something Finds You, You Listen